In 2016 the creator of Chasing Challenges, Shane Prendergast, cycled across the USA and made use of a GPS tracker to update followers of his progress. This was relatively expensive, not customisable and required the hire of equipment. People are always undertaking multi-day challenges but there didn't seem to be a simple, accessible way to track them.
It's uncommon to find an althete who's not on Strava, it's the most fantastic tool that has completely changed how we track our activities. However, it doesn't give you the ability to to group activities into a challenge and present it as a whole.
That's what Chasing Challenges is looking to solve. Whether you're partaking in a gruelling charity event, bike-packing multiple countries or simply going on a weekend trip; Chasing Challenges allows you to create a challenge, set any targets and each time you post to Strava it will sync and update.